TM Lewin & Sons, circa 1905


The manufacture of shirts is the "Special" feature of my business, and to this subject my personal attention is devoted to seeing that all details in cut and fit are carefully carried out to meet the varied requirements of each INDIVIDUAL case.

A sample is made and A SPECIAL PATTERN IS CUT AND RETAINED FOR EACH CUSTOMER in order that repeat orders can be accurately obtained at any time.

A simple, but efficient self-measurement form for convenience of customers residing abroad can be sent on request, and will, if properly filled up, ensure a perfect fit.

When being measured for dress shirts it is advisable to bring or send the dress waistcoat, or at any rate, it should be tried on with the sample shirt.

ALWAYS NOTE when trying a new dress waistcoat to see that your tailor has not cut it too full, or long in the NECK PART. It should "sit" quite closely on the chest, and not "sag" or "gape" if you bend slightly forward.

The size of the cuff should also be in proportion to the size of one's hand, and should not be a tight fit for the coat sleeve.

Round or blunt cornered cuffs are preferable, not only on account of wear, but because they are less liable to "rip" the silk sleeve lining.

Never accept a shirt from the laundry that has a "top fold" of front ironed out longer than the under side, or it will be bound to gape between the studs.

When ordering coloured shirts always have an EXTRA PAIR OF CUFFS made at the same time, to ensure being able to match material.

Gentelmen joining the Services would do well to ascertain whether or not the mess regulations demand any particular number of studs before ordering, some wear one, others two or three.

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